Website Terms & Conditions


1. Acceptance

Once the Client has signed an Authority to Proceed, they are bound by the terms and conditions below. If a Client accepts a quote, then the Client will be deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the terms applying and have accepted these terms and conditions in full. Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Any purchase or use of our services implies that you have read and accepted our terms and conditions.

2. Charges

Charges for services to be provided by Ewelina & Co. are defined in the project quotation that the Client receives via e-mail and/or in writing. Quotations are valid for a period of 60 days. Ewelina & Co. reserves the right to alter or decline to provide a quotation after expiry of the 60 days. Renewal costs, as quoted on the initial proposal or Authority to Proceed, are subject to change.

3. Payment

Invoices will be provided by Ewelina & Co. once the Authority to Proceed has been signed, and before the website is live. Invoices are normally sent via email; however, the Client may choose to receive hard copy invoices. Invoices are due within 14 days unless stated otherwise. Accounts that remain unpaid thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice will be assessed a service charge in the amount of the higher of twenty percent (20%) or £30 per month of the total amount due, whichever is greater.

4. Turnaround Time and Content Control

Ewelina & Co. will install and design the Client’s website by the date specified in the initial proposal, or at date agreed with Client upon Ewelina & Co. receiving initial payment, unless a delay is specifically requested by the Client and agreed by Ewelina & Co..
In return, the Client agrees to delegate a single individual as a primary contact to aid Ewelina & Co. with progressing the commission in a satisfactory and expedient manner. During the project, Ewelina & Co. will require the Client to provide website content; text, images, movies and sound files etc. to populate the website. The majority of website delays are due to the Client, so we ask that you are attentive to our communications.

5. Indemnity

All Ewelina & Co. services may be used for lawful purposes only. You agree to indemnify and hold Ewelina & Co. harmless from any claims resulting from your use of our service that damages you or any other party.

6. Copyright

The Client retains the copyright to data, files and graphic logos provided by the Client, and grants Ewelina & Co. the rights to publish and use such material. The Client must obtain permission and rights to use any information or files that are copyrighted by a third party. The Client is further responsible for granting Ewelina & Co. permission and rights for use of the same and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Ewelina & Co. from any and all claims resulting from the Client’s negligence or inability to obtain proper copyright permissions. A contract for website design and/or placement shall be regarded as a guarantee by the Client to Ewelina & Co. that all such permissions and authorities have been obtained. Evidence of permissions and authorities may be requested.

7. Design Credit

A link to Ewelina & Co. will appear in small type at the bottom of the Client’s website. If a client requests that the design credit be removed, a nominal fee of 20% of the total development charges will be applied. The Client also agrees that the website developed for the Client may be presented in Ewelina & Co.’s portfolio.

8. Domain Names

Ewelina & Co. can purchase domain names on behalf of the Client.  Payment and renewal of those domain names is the responsibility of Ewelina & Co.. The loss, cancellation or otherwise of the domain brought about by non or late payment by the client is not the responsibility of Ewelina & Co.. The Client should keep a record of the due dates for payment to ensure that payment is received in good time. If the Client choses to leave Ewelina & Co., provided they have paid their invoices, the domain will be transferred back to them free of charge (though the client will be liable for any cost of transfer presented by the domain provider).

9. Eco Friendly Hosting

At Ewelina & Co., we build our websites on eco-friendly servers. Green web hosting means that the hosting provider is committed to contribute towards the health of the environment and proactively takes eco-friendly actions that involve either carbon offsetting or renewable energy usage in order to reduce or mitigate the environmental impact of their servers’ energy consumption.

10. Termination

Termination of  contracts must be requested by the Client in a written notice or email and will be effective on receipt of such notice. Telephone requests for termination of services will not be honoured until and unless confirmed in writing or email. The Client will be invoiced for the remaining contracted period but will not face any additional termination charges. 


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